Cult Classics presents Monster Market on February 23rd at Thunderbird Lounge in Phoenix, AZ!

Shop locally for the upcoming spring season with 40+ vendors, DJ set from @700tapes with our vintage / arts / food festival at Thunderbird Lounge – FREE, all-ages, pet-friendly – tag your friends and save the date!

VENDOR SPACES ARE NOW OPEN! Message @cultclassicsaz on Instagramto apply!

DJ Set by @700tapes

Food by @faciosdogs and @rubyredconfections

VENDORS include:

@kinaevil / @raumsartifacts

VENDOR APPLICATIONS are now open to ALL! Message @cultclassicsaz on Instagram to apply. THIS IS THE ONLY CONTACT TO APPLY.
#horrorcommunity #moviecommunity #azhorrorcommunity #azhorror #azhorrorfans #azhorrorscene #phxhorror #phxhorrorcommunity #phxhorrorscene #phxhorrorfix #cultclassicsaz #horrorobsessed #thingstodoinphoenix #thingstodoinphoenixwithkids #azgoth #azgothfestival #azgothcommunity