LOW TICKET ALERT! We’re down to a dozen tickets left for this screening, so don’t miss out! Check out the image for the event-exclusive t-shirt for the May 20th, 2023! Your pals at Cult Classics are celebrating the 2nd month of the 2nd year of our residency at Landmark Theaters Scottsdale Quarter with the 35th anniversary of one of our favorite sci-fi/action movies; John Carpenter’s THEY LIVE!
TICKETS: http://obey.bpt.me
Cult Classics presents a special 35th anniversary screening of the classic John Carpenter science-fiction dystopia THEY LIVE on Saturday, May 20th, 2023 at 9:30pm at Landmark Scottsdale Quarter in Scottsdale, AZ!
Nada (WWE Hall of Famer Roddy Piper), a wanderer without meaning in his life, discovers a pair of sunglasses capable of showing the world the way it truly is. As he walks the streets of Los Angeles, Nada notices that both the media and the government are comprised of subliminal messages meant to keep the population subdued, and that most of the social elite are skull-faced aliens bent on world domination. With this shocking discovery, Nada fights to free humanity from the mind-controlling aliens.
As always, we’ll have cool prizes and giveaways for the event just for attending – Plus beer, wine and pizza are available for purchase.
That’s right, our venue has food and alcohol available for concessions, as well as every seat being a super comfortable recliner! It’s the ultimate Cult Classics experience!
We also have our trademark ticket packages with themed t-shirts and art prints available for purchase! We’ve upgraded with a special 18 x 24 silkscreened poster for the event available just for this event, designed by Lucasfilm/Topps artist Victor Moreno, who has worked on official artwork for The Walking Dead and printed by Hamster Labs, limited to only 50 copies! We also will have a limited amount of 11×17 giclee art prints! Plus we have an Ultimate Pass which gives you guaranteed priority seating above every package and includes all of the above!
Here are the ticket and merch options below!
General Admission Tickets are $16 – $17 At The Door, Day Of.
Here are our VIP event merch packages!
VIP Art Bundle – $25 – This gets you admission to the event, plus a commemorative 11 x 17 art print.
VIP Shirt Bundle – $40 – This gets you complimentary admission to the event, plus a commemorative event Cult shirt themed to the film! We’ll need your t-shirt size, so please email your size to victor@cultclassicsaz.com
VIP Shirt/Art Print Bundle – $50 – This gets you complimentary admission to the event, plus priority admission to the film, and the 11 x 17 art print and event t-shirt. We’ll need your t-shirt size, so please email your size to victor@cultclassicsaz.com
VIP Silkscreen Print Bundle – $65 – This gets you complimentary admission to the event, plus a commemorative 18 x 24 limited to 50 silkscreen art print signed and numbered for this event.
VIP Ultimate Bundle – $100 – This gets you complimentary admission to the event, plus priority admission to the film, the 11 x 17 art print, the event t-shirt, and the 18 x 24 silkscreened lithograph print limited to 50 copies. We’ll need your t-shirt size, so please email your size to victor@cultclassicsaz.com
VIP MEGA Bundle – $150 – This gets you complimentary admission to the event, plus priority admission to the film, the 11 x 17 art print, the event t-shirt, and the 18 x 24 silkscreened lithograph print limited to 50 copies and a hand-painted They Live 8 x 10 altered art painting. We’ll need your t-shirt size, so please email your size to victor@cultclassicsaz.com
Cult Classics is located at:
Landmark Theatres Scottsdale Quarter
15257 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 230
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
THEY LIVE (1988)
Presented on DCP. Special thanks to our friends at Universal Pictures for their aid in making this event possible!
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