Join @cultclassicsaz this Saturday night at 9pm at @thundercatloungephx for BLACK LODGE / WHITE LODGE – a Twin Peaks Day Event – there’ll be free coffee and donuts and music spinning with a Lynch vibe. We’ll have movie screenprinted posters for sale and Lynch inspired original art for sale!
#twinpeaks #whokilledlaurapalmer #wildatheart #eraserhead #losthighway #horrorcommunity #moviecommunity #azhorrorcommunity #azhorror #azhorrorfans #azhorrorscene #phxhorror #phxhorrorcommunity #phxhorrorscene #phxhorrorfix #cultclassicsaz #horrorobsessed #thingstodoinphoenix #thingstodoinphoenixwithkids #azgoth #azgothfestival #azgothcommunity
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